Fund Resources, Inc. presents the
LOYALTY REWARDS CLUB for schools and school organizations!
For over 40 years, Fund Resources and the Sobieski Family have rewarded our loyal customers with a renewal discount of from 2% to 7% off your HOLIDAY WONDERLAND GIFT SHOP merchandise sub-total on your bill, just for using Fund Resources. (The discount is larger the earlier you sign up each year.)
Now, we introduce the following additional incentives for schools registered with our Loyalty Rewards Club:
Let your key volunteer staff running the HOLIDAY WONDERLAND GIFT SHOP purchase gifts for free! Fund Resources will provide eight (8) $10.00 gift certificates (total of $80 in gift certificate), good for purchasing gifts at your HOLIDAY WONDERLAND GIFT SHOP, VALENTINE'S DAY GIFT SHOP or MOTHER'S DAY BOUTIQUE sale.
Fund Resources will provide seventy-five (75) $1.00 Wonderland Bucks for your organization to use for less fortunate students or extreme hardship cases. Present them to those students and let them use them in lieu of cash at your sale. (HOLIDAY WONDERLAND GIFT SHOP program only.) (Fund Resources will give thirty (3) $1.00 Wonderland Bucks for either VALENTINE'S DAY GIFT SHOP or MOTHER'S DAY BOUTIQUE program.
NOTE: These gift certificates and Wonderland Bucks are our gift to your group. You make no profit on them nor do we charge you for the gifts given out. There are easy-to-follow instructions provided when we deliver the certificates at the start of your sale.
To register your organization for the Loyalty Rewards Club, fill out the form below and e-mail us your information. We will register your group in our database.